2019 is here!

2018 went SO very fast, it is hard to believe another year is passed! We are thankful for the new year though for a New Beginning!

New Beginnings is our theme for the new year. We embraced 2018 focusing on Living With Intention. Living by our terms and remembering much clearer why we embarked on this off-grid journey in the first place.

Our year was a rough year for our family as it may have been for you and yours too. It is easy to get tired, weary and even lose faith while you go through rough times, but I hope as we walked this year together that you gained hope, perseverance and were encouraged when we wouldn’t give up and kept our focus on the Lord! You know each day is a gift, right?!
We are gifted daily with a New Beginning and we need to remember that when we do get knocked down that we just need to get up, brush ourselves off, keep moving forward and always looking up!

Despite going through a rough spot, having a heart and mind focused on gratitude can make the world of difference. When you keep your eyes focused on the daily blessings and keep your thoughts, minds and self-talk monitored so that a negative can quickly be corrected and replaced with something positive your world and life will change! Initially, it may not be easy, but as time goes on I think you will see how easy it really is! This is the perfect time of year to look back over a gratitude journal to remember all the amazing things that happened throughout the year! If you don’t currently use a gratitude journal I would like to encourage you to start for 2019 because it will be an aid for your New Beginning!

Here are my means of setting goals:

  1. Think longterm. Visualize what your life looks like one year, 5 years and 10 years from now.
  2. Break your long-term goals into short-term goals and set a timeline to achieve them.
  3. Take small, doable actions toward achieving them every day.
  4. Re-evaluate often. Don’t be afraid to change course, make new goals or even scrap old goals if they no longer fit your longterm vision for your future. If things aren’t working it is perfectly ok to change the angle of attack.
  5. Keep moving forward no matter what. Don’t look at the entire staircase and certainly, DON’T look back. Just look forward at the next step, and take it.
  6. If you fall down or face setbacks, get back up and start again from wherever you are. As long as you keep moving forward in the direction of your goals so much as you can, you WILL eventually hit your mark. Be persistent & resilient. Remember the sky is the limit and planning + action equals anything you set your mind to!
  7. Having an accountability partner or app is a great tool and way to keep us on course.

Every day is a gift and a new chance to start over and get it right, but a new year offers new hope in ways that other days of the year just can’t. Remember, every year will bring ups and downs so rather than focusing on a new year turn your focus to each day. How is that for breaking it down – clearer picture – baby steps – one day at a time.

My wish for you this year is that you dream big. Set big, scary goals for yourself. Have a vision. Talk nice to yourself, encourage yourself and show yourself grace.  Make a plan. Take small actions every day toward achieving them and don’t let anything or anyone hold you back from seeing them through.

God bless! Tam ♥ †

Are you in?  Are you joining me?