My thoughts are many today.  I have sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, turkey, mashed potato filling and making my men happy tomorrow for Thanksgiving.  Everyday I am thankful for MANY things.  I thank God daily for my many many blessings, but there are many people that wait for special occasions like tomorrow.

Thankfulness is something that should be expressed daily.  Don't wait for a special occasion.  Don't wait for the perfect moment because there may never be the perfect moment.  Even worse the person to whom you wish to express your thankfulness may leave this earth unexpectedly and then regret sets in.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why they call it the present.”

Don't waste a day~!  Embrace your thankfulness right now and every day.   You will become a happier and healthier person when you express your thankfulness and the things that you are grateful  for daily.

Many people only take their prayers of concern, upset, fear and their needs to God, but it is just as important to thank him for all the blessings you are given.

Grab a cheap little notebook  and I encourage everyone to be thankful and grateful for at least 3 things daily.   This is a gift that can keep on giving when you encourage a friend or family member to do the same.  Are you looking for an inexpensive gift for someone?  Buy them a journal or a notebook and inside encourage them to join you.

Life is meant to be enjoyed and happiness is meant to be shared.

May everyone have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

Today I am thankful for you!  I am thankful for the opportunity to add a smile to your face and a spring in your step.

“Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalms 107:1

Blessings <3